Professor of Finance at IMD (International Institute for Management Development)

Arturo Bris
At IMD he directed the Advanced Strategic Management from 2009-2014. He has directed programs for senior executives in several industries and continents. Prior to joining IMD, Professor Bris was the Robert B & Candice J. Haas Associate Professor of Corporate Finance at the Yale School of Management (USA). A Research Associate of the European Corporate Governance Institute, and a member of the Yale International Institute for Corporate Governance, he has worked extensively on issues of Corporate Governance, Financial Regulation, and International Valuation.
His research and consulting activities focus on the international aspects of financial regulation, and in particular on the effects of bankruptcy, short sales, insider trading, and merger laws. Arturo Bris has also researched and lectured on the effects of the Euro on the corporate sector, as well as on the valuation impact of corporate governance changes.
Arturo is passionate about global competitiveness, financial development and macroeconomics. His latest research identifies the relationship between income inequality, social mobility and competitiveness. He is also developing a competitiveness-based investment portfolio that track the best and worst economies.
His work has been published in the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Legal Studies, and the Journal of Business, among others.
Professor Bris taught Corporate Finance and Investment Banking at Yale from 1998 to 2005, where he received the Best Teacher Award twice. His consulting experience includes companies in both the US and Europe.